As mothers our goal is to raise the best children that we can while maintaining our thriving careers.
There are material things as well as character traits that can be developed in order to be the best mom possible. Every mother makes their own mistakes so leave the child experts out of your home as they change their minds on certain things ever 10 years or so. The best mothers are the ones that are proactive because if something can go wrong it most certainly will on the worst day possible. The following are a few things that all good mothers need as well as things you should have just in case.
Patience With Other Parents/Children Every mother who has interacted with other children or witnessed a birthday party at a bowling alley know that even your child turns into an animal once in a while. People get upset about other people reprimanding their children so let the other parent do their parenting style. Any mother who has a child in a competitive sport know this as well as some parents might go crazy if their child is taken off of the field. Even if you agree with the decision the coach made just keep your quiet. You do not want to be the loud parent at any games as this can label your child or teen as well.
An Emergency Credit Card This could be an emergency cash stash or credit card but it is important to have a nest egg. There are credit cards for average credit than those for people who might have developed their credit a bit more. This can be if you run out of gas or if there is some kind of medical emergency. The credit card is a more liable option as you will not have to carry around a large amount of cash. This nest egg can be contributed to over the course of the year and if nothing comes up, a bit of it can be used for something to do as a family!
The Ability To Let Go a Bit One of the strangest feelings in the world is watching your child run onto the playground by themselves for the first time. It is at this moment that you know that they are going to have to make their own mistakes at times. Overzealous parents can turn their children into intolerable human beings as they are waited on hand and foot. There are going to be milestones that let you know your child is growing up so cherish these. One of these days your little kid might be going to a big university and go on to do something great with their lives. When you put it like that though, that can ease the pain of watching your little baby grow up.
The above will help you become a better mother and be patient as some of these characteristics will come with time. If you have more than one child then you’ve probably already understand what each individual child needs from you. Not all kids are the same and should not all be raised the same!
Written by Emily Green for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.