You are probably wondering: why? Well, these berries are the definition of a superfood, and with the temperatures dropping you will surely need to eat something to boost your immune system and prepare you for the cold winter days.
You can find many simple and delicious recipes that make use of blueberries, but if you ask me nothing can beat pancakes. With all of their shapes and sizes and their ability to go well with all sorts of ingredients, pancakes are a great base for blueberries to be added on.
Blueberries, Benefits and How to Put Them in Pancake Recipe
Recently blueberries have started appearing in all sorts of healthy food related websites and have completely taken up the world of healthy nutrition. The reason for this lies in their structure, more precisely the color pigments blueberries contain called anthocyanins. Not only do these pigments give blueberries a vibrant blue color but they are “to blame” for most of their health-promoting features. These berries are the greatest antioxidants in the world! Which in turn makes them great guards of our cardiovascular system and great regulators of the sugar levels in our blood.
How can you incorporate blueberries in your pancake recipes? There are a number of ways: Fold whole blueberries in the batter. Blend blueberries. Top your pancakes with fresh blueberries, or blueberry compote. The Best Blueberry Pancakes
For the best results, I’ve decided to make a mix of two recipes: The Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes with Blueberry Maple Syrup and that recipe for Vegan Blueberry Pancakes.
Now this is a recipe that includes all of the above-mentioned ways of incorporating these berries in your hotcakes. Pour a cup of blueberries in a blender together with all the other ingredients. This will give a bluish color to your pancakes and will make them extra fluffy. For the perfect texture fold some whole blueberries in. And, as the cherry on top, or in this case the blueberry on top, prepare the blueberry compote. I’ve decided on the compote because I still love me some sugar, but you can easily just top them with some fresh blueberries.
The Blueberry Maple Syrup to Go with The Pancakes
But, if you think preparing this syrup will be too much time consuming you are very wrong, it will be done in less than 5 minutes. In a medium saucepan mix a cup of maple syrup and the same amount of blueberries along with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, bring everything to boil, then proceed to reduce the heat and boil for ten minutes. Instead of sitting around doing nothing, this winter prepare some metabolism boosting pancakes, pour yourselves a cup of hot tea to go with them, and then well… go ahead lay back and enjoy the day.
Written by Natalie Bracco for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.